
DEAF, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency and we depend on grants, donations, and support from friends like you. With your fully tax-deductible donation to DEAF, Inc., you can have a significant impact on the lives of thousands of Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, and Late-Deafened people and their families living in Massachusetts.

How to Donate

Here are easy ways to make your donation to DEAF, Inc.:

1) Make your one-time or monthly secure donation online.

2) Do you have someone you want to honor or remember? You can make a donation in that person's name.

3) Mail a check payable to DEAF, Inc. with Donation written on the memo, and send it to:

DEAF, Inc. Development Office
215 Brighton Avenue
Allston, MA 02134

4) Ask your employer to match your donation and increase your support. To find out if your employer will match your gift, ask your human resources department.

Donate Online

You need to fill out the donation form below first to donate before you check out

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ARES for Seniors
DBCAN (DeafBlind)